Friday 15 January 2010

Poll: Nikon D70 VS. Canon Rebel xs?

* I'm new to DSLR's
I have a Nikon D70 my dad gave me, but I don't understand how to use it even when I use the Manual. I prefer Canon's anyway, so I'm wondering, which is the better camera?
I would like it if you had experience with both of them or input how strongly you feel about either one.

In general I think Canon's are easier to use, in the store when they're on the display, the functions seem more natural to me, but when I'm trying to figure out the D70, it doesn't make sense. If the Nikon is a better camera then I guess I'll have to make due and put more effort in trying to figure it out, but if the Canon is better, should I buy it?

Thanks so much by the way, if you're a photographer or artist and have a portfolio online, please leave the link. I love seeing other people's work.

CANON always

Answer by xxookitten on 03 Jan 2010 03:48:20

The Canon won't be any easier to use than the Nikon. They work the same way, except Nikon zoom rings turn exactly opposite of Canon. Other than that, manual mode is manual mode, green box auto works just the same.

The Rebel XS is a much newer camera with more bells and whistles, but not drastically better in any way than the D70.

Answer by Caoedhen on 03 Jan 2010 03:49:58

It is up to you. Both cameras are used by both the pros and those starting to use cameras.

There is a good reason to stick with the fine D70. Your not knowing how to use it, just means you need to learn how to use a fully adjustable camera

Why you prefer Canon DSLR's over Nikon DSLR's is a mystery, since if you had the skills necessary to use a Canon, you would have NO problem using the D70.

Adjusting the shutter speed or aperture on ANY camera is relatively easy, so I guess we need to know why you think a Canon is easier to use, unless you have years of experience using Canon SLR's, but by the tone of your question you have very little experience using any SLR.

If you take some time and actually use the users manual, it will soon be come clear how to use it.

The other reason to stick with your D70, is that your dad may have additional lenses you can use that you will not have to buy.

There is one feature that only two other camera models have ... that is the ability to use higher shutter speeds when syncing flash. The other two are the Nikon D40 and Canon original EOS 1D.

That said, if you ever plan on shooting outdoors with flash (sports and fashion), that will be a great feature.

I would suggest that before you spend a dime on either Nikon or Canon gear, you take a class in photography and learn the basics of photography. Taking the time to get a perfect exposure and learning how to compose amazing images before you press the shutter release, will provide you with the skills you need no matter what camera system you eventually pick

Too many people are buying DSLR's and expecting them to perform like a simple P&S camera, a camera the rarely requires the user to engage their brain before using it. Not that that is a bad thing if the user does not want to have to learn all about photography, but just want to capture family events and crazy shots of their friends. But when you start buying cameras designed for use by professional photographers, you have to be willing to take the time to learn how to use them at some level of competency

Just don't be in a big hurry to make your choice. You have the D70 so "date" is a while and learn how to use all its features. Those skills will be completely transferable to any camera you later own, Nikon or Canon or any other.

There is a link on my profile here you can check out if you like. It is all fashion stuff.

Answer by fhotoace on 03 Jan 2010 04:10:47

I think Olympus is easier to use and both Canon and Nikon are needlessly complicated. You think Canon is better for you then Canon is the way to go. You're the one using it so you're the one that has to see what you feel comfortable with. If you can't figure out how to turn it on or there's lights flashing at you, doesn't matter how good the camera is, you'll never get a shot out of it that way.

[URL Truncated]
(Go back a while, I've been sucking (worse) lately).

Answer by AndrewM on 03 Jan 2010 04:32:48

Both are good. If you are more comfortable with a certain brand and/or model then use what you are more comfortable with.


Answer by Mark on 03 Jan 2010 05:02:08
Best Answer

In the world of photography, you're either a Canon person or a Nikon person. The rest [Olympus, Sony, Pentax, etc] all just fall into a sad league of their own that I won't even bother mentioning. I myself am a Nikon person, and you're going to get the opinion of a Nikon person-- as biased as it is.

The Canon will *not* be any easier to use than the Nikon, most DSLRs are exactly the same, though the capabilities of each camera is limited by software. Canon tends to release a new DSLR after Nikon does with one or two more 'features' on it-- that don't really do the camera any good.

The only real differences between the two are body weight. zoom rotation, and that the D70 has well over 20 more personalized features than Canon does. Stick with what you have and upgrade as you go along.

If you want to learn how to use your camera use the wonderful world of the internet, there are literally hundreds of how-to websites on DSLRs.

Answer by Patient Paws on 03 Jan 2010 11:01:38

I have a D70 and I think it's very easy to use, in fact I was using it on the way home from the camera store without reading the user manual.
Here's the Image that I took
[URL Truncated]

Here is my photostream
[URL Truncated]

Answer by Abbey Road on 04 Jan 2010 01:56:42

Nikon D70

Answer by Star on 05 Jan 2010 12:10:59

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