Friday 15 January 2010

Why wont my Olympus digital camera load anymore photos?

My Olympus camera has a 2MB xD card and ive used probably just under 1 MB of it, so its not full. But all of a sudden I loaded my pictures on to my computer ike normal and it just won't load them! The cords fine, cameras fine what could be wrong with it?

Best Answer

Format the card inside the camera - not in the computer. If the card is working properly this will take care of the problem.

However, don't load photos back onto the card, it's not designed as a storage device and could easily fail if you treat it this way.

Answer by Jim A on 05 Jan 2010 08:04:39

Perhaps it's time has expired. To everything there is a season and must not be the season for photos from Olympus. Best to buy a new camera---try a long--lasting one like a "forever" brand.
Good luck because a picture is worth a thousand words......and you can quote me if you like.

Answer by EMAILSKIP on 08 Jan 2010 01:56:33

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