Friday 15 January 2010

ughhh technology hates me!?

technology hate me i swear and i'm kind of a clutz. i haven't been keeping my camera in my purse lately it's been sitting on my bookshelf so i know it has happened recently but awhile ago i dropped my camera and it got all messed up. after leaving it alone for awhile it fixed itself. well yesterday i was taking pictures and it was fine but then i turned it back off and then on again to show them to my sister and it started making this weird noise and then wouldn't turn off but finally it did and then today i go to try to use it and it starts making the weird noise again and then lens keeps getting stuck and wont come back in and then once i do get it to shut off the lense stays out so i have to turn it back on and eventually it will say "retry power on" or "lens error.
is there anyway i can fix this myself or have my dad take it apart to fix it because he won't buy me a new one because it was a kinda expensive camera.

Best thing you can do is take it a GOOD local camera shop.

They can have a look it for you.
Can not be fixed online, to many variables.

Cheers and good luck from DOWNUNDER

Answer by Gamerpc on 09 Jan 2010 05:32:59
Best Answer

I agree with the first answer. Take the camera to a camera shop to have it repaired. If you got this camera from a store like Sony, you could probably take it to them to get fixed if they are in your local mall or talk to them online. If it's not from a Sony or Samsung store all you have to do is take it to a camera repair shop.

Good Luck! Hope I helped =)

Answer by Mango on 09 Jan 2010 06:06:29

It has nothing to do with technology. It has to do with you dropping your camera. It seems to have sustained some sort of damage to the lens. You will not be able to fix ir (and neither will your Dad). It will need to be repaired (which could be costly). You should get a quote first.
The other option is to buy a new camera...often this is the best option.

Start saving...

Answer by Petra_au on 09 Jan 2010 07:01:28

Before attempting surgery, recharge the battery overnight then see if it revives itself the next day.

Answer by keerok on 10 Jan 2010 04:55:56

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